Thursday, June 30, 2011

It Cannot Be found - It Cannot Be Lost

Not an ounce of lasting Serenity from this World,
influenced by People, Places and Things.

You will go many places, get many things, but you will
never be truly at ease.

You will have Houses --

and boats
and lovers
and money
and titles

and fears
and insecurity
and anger
and lust
and great sadness --

all in the World.

You will take long journeys,
and arrive back at the start.

Serenity comes from within, this Peace
is unconditional.

Free from the outside World, and
inexhaustible, it cannot be lost.

Being inseparable from it, and never separated,
we naturally try to "Find" this.

But it cannot be found, because it cannot
be lost.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Thank You for This Day

Thank you for this day.

May I not hurt people's feelings.

Let me be sensitive to their needs.

Thank you for this day.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Ordinary can be experienced as Unique or Hell,
let me remember the clinging, and the letting go of clinging.

Let me realize all is Ordinary, my Ego or Self
would have it otherwise.


May 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fundimental Freedom

The fundamental freedom
of knowing you were wrong,
even when you thought you
were acting rightly.

Oh, what a great blessing
to realize this wrong ideal,
or blinding, binding view!

What a great gift to see
this imperfection -- this overwhelming
continuing flaw of character.

Again, you face a new whole day
that has a horizon unbounded
by Earthly limitations,
whole & complete upon itself.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh Great Truth

Oh Great Truth
I can do only so much with any mind

Keep my feet on the path
so I may go where I am meant to be

I can go far by feeling
and remembering then forgetting

I will be created
and then I will surrender & be unmade